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Object Oriented Programming in C#

Object-oriented programming is a way of developing software applications using real-world terminologies to create entities that interact with one another using objects.

Object-oriented programming makes applications flexible (easy to change or add new features), reusable, well-structured, and easy to debug and test.

Most programming languages provide the following basic building blocks to build object-oriented applications:

  • Classes: A Class define the structure using methods and properties/fields that resemble real-world entity.
  • Methods: A method represents a particular behavior. It performs some action and might return information about an object, or update an object’s data.
  • Properties: Properties hold the data temporarily during the execution of an application.
  • Objects: Objects are instances of the class that holds different data in properties/fields and can interact with other objects.
  • Interfaces: An interface is a contract that defines the set of rules for a particular functionality. They are used effectively with classes using OOP principles like inheritance and polymorphism to make applications more flexible.

Object-oriented Design Principles

There are various object-oriented principles and techniques using which you can develop applications that are maintainable and extendable.

The followings are four main principles of object-oriented programming:

  1. Abstraction
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism

You will learn the above principles in detail in the next few pages.

Steps for Developing Object-oriented Applications

Developing an object-oriented application starts with the business requirement document. Typically, a business analyst provides you with a business requirement document after understanding and analyzing the requirement from the customer. So, the business requirement is the starting point.

The followings are overall steps to develop an object-oriented application:

  1. Abstraction: First, identify essential entities and their characteristic from the business requirement for a high-level view.
    • Find nouns from the business requirement (the noun is the person, place, thing, or process).
    • Identify potential classes and their members from the nouns.
  2. Encapsulation: An implementation of abstraction in code. Create classes and their members with appropriate access modifiers to show functionalities and hide details and complexity.
  3. Define relationship: Establish relationships between classes using inheritance and polymorphism.
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
  4. Use Principles & Patterns: Use the SOLID principles and Design Patterns as and when necessary to make applications flexible.
    • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Open/Closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle

Here you will learn about important object-oriented principles and patterns and when and how to use them in your application.