Learn Python Programming
Python is a general-purpose high-level programming language. It is an open source language, released under a GPL-compatible license.
Python is used in various types of applications such as data science, Machine Learning, Web Development, Image Processing, Game Development, Embedded Systems and IoT, Android Apps, etc.
- What is Python?
- Where to use Python?
- Python Version History
- Install Python 3
- Python REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) Terminal
- Python IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment)
- IDE for Python Development
- Python Syntax Overview
- Python Reserved Keywords
- Python Variables
- Variable Scope in Python
- Python Data Types
- Number Type
- String Type
- Python Operators
- if, elif, else Conditions in Python
- While Loop in Python
- For Loop in Python
- Understand __main__ Method in Python
- Built-in Error Types in Python
- Exception Handling in Python
- Assert Statement in Python
- Dunder/Magic Methods in Python
- Perform Database CRUD Operation in Python
- Read, Write Files in Python
- Regex in Python
- Tkinter For GUI Applications
- Python - Course & Books
Python Collections
Python Modules
- Modules in Python
- Module Attributes
- Packages in Python
- Python Package Installer PIP
- Built-in Modules in Python
- OS Module
- Sys Module
- Math Module
- Statistics Module
- Collections Module
- Random Module
Object Oriented Python
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