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SQL - ANY, SOME Operator

The ANY and SOME operators compare a column value or literal value with the result of a subquery that returns a single-column values. ANY and SOME are the same. You can use any one.

  • A subquery used with the ANY or SOME operator, can only return a single column values.
  • The ANY or SOME operator must be preceded by comparison operators like =, !=, >, >=, <, <=.
  • The ANY or SOME operator uses AND with the result values of a subquery to compare a column of the outer query.
  • The data type of the returned values from a subquery must be the same data type as the outer query expression.


expression <operator> ANY( subquery ); expression <operator> SOME( subquery ); -- or SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name <operator> ANY( subquery ); SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name <operator> SOME( subquery );

Database like SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite supports ANY and SOME operator with subquery whereas Oracle allows subquery as well as literal values with ANY or SOME operator.

For the demo purpose, we will use the following Employee and Department tables in all examples.

Employee Table
1'John''King''[email protected]'3300010
3'Neena''Kochhar''[email protected]'1700020
4'Lex''De Haan''[email protected]'1500010
6'Abdul''Kalam''[email protected]'2500020
Department Table

ANY, SOME with Expression

The ANY or SOME operator can be used with a scalar expression. For example, the following is used with IF condition:

SQL Script: ANY or SOME in IF Condition
IF 15000 &lt;=  ANY(SELECT salary FROM Employee)
	print('Some employee''s salaries are equal to or more than 15000');
	print('Some employee''s salaries are less than 15000');

Above, the expression IF 15000 < ANY(SELECT salary FROM Employee) would be transformed using OR operator, as below:

SQL Script: ANY or SOME in IF Condition
IF 15000 &lt;= 33000 OR 15000 <= 17000 OR 15000 <= 15000 OR 15000 <= 18000 OR 15000 <= 25000
	print('Some employee''s salaries are equal to or more than 15000');
	print('Some employee''s salaries are less than 15000');

So, the above expression would print Some employee's salaries are equal to or more than 15000 in MS SQL Server.

The SOME operator will give the same result.

SQL Script: ANY or SOME in IF Condition
IF 15000 &lt;=  SOME(SELECT salary FROM Employee)
	print('Some employee''s salaries are equal to or more than 15000');
	print('Some employee''s salaries are less than 15000');

Note that ANY or SOME operator must come after an operator. The following will give syntax error.

SQL Script: Syntax Error
SELECT * FROM Employee 
                    SELECT DeptId FROM Department
                    WHERE DeptName = 'HR' OR DeptName = 'Sales'

In the above query, a subquery SELECT DeptId FROM Department WHERE DeptName = 'HR' OR DeptName = 'Sales' would be executed first, and it will return DeptId values 20, 30. Now, the ANY or SOME operator would use OR operator with all the return values and form the query as shown below.

SQL Script: ANY and SOME uses OR
SELECT * FROM Employee 
WHERE DeptId = 20 OR DeptId = 30;

So, the above query will return the records whose DeptId is 20 or 30, as shown below.

Employee Table
3'Neena''Kochhar''[email protected]'1700020
6'Abdul''Kalam''[email protected]'2500020

Note that the following query with the SOME operator would return the same result as above.

SQL Script: ANY or SOME with =
SELECT * FROM Employee 
                    SELECT DeptId FROM Department
                    WHERE DeptName = 'HR' OR DeptName = 'Sales'

In the same way, you can use the ANY or SOME operator with <=, <, =>, and > operators.