Element | $('div') | Selects all <div> elements |
:first | $('div:first') | Selects first <div> element in a DOM hierarchy. |
:last | $('div:last') | Selects last <div> element in a DOM hierarchy. |
Multiple elements | $('p, div, code') | Selects <p>,<div> and <code> elements |
parent descendant | $('div p') | Selects all <p> elements which is descendant of <div> |
parent child | $('div > p') | Selects <p> element which is child of <div> |
* | $(*) | Selects all elements |
#Id | $("#myDiv") | Selects element whose id is myDiv |
element#id | $("div#myDiv") | Selects <div> element whose Id is myDiv |
Multiple Ids | $("#myDiv1, #myDiv2") | Selects multiple elements whose id is myDiv1 or myDiv2. |
.class | $(".myCSSClass") | Selects all the elements with className=myCSSClass. |
.class .class | $(".myCSSClass1, .myCSSClass2 ") | Finds all elements whose class attribute is set to myCSSClass1 or myCSSClass2 |
element.class | $("div.myCSSClass") | Finds all <div> elements with className=myCSSClass |
:first-child | $("p:first-child") | Selects all <p> elements which is the first child of its parent element. (parent element can be anything) |
:last-child | $("p:last-child") | Selects all <p> elements which is the last child of its parent element. (parent element can be anything) |
:nth-child(n) | $("p:nth-child(5)") | Selects all <p> elements which is the 5th child of its parent element. (parent element can be anything) |
:nth-last-child(n) | $("p:nth-last-child(2)") | Selects all <p> elements which is the 2nd last child of its parent element. (parent element can be anything) |
:only-child | $("p:only-child") | Selects all <p> elements which is the only child of its parent element. (parent element can be anything) |
[attribute] | $('[class]') | Selects all the elements with the class attribute(whatever the value). |
[element[attribute] | $("div[class]") | Selects all the <div> elements that have a class attribute(whatever the value). |
element[attribute = value] | $("div[className='myCls']") | Selects all the <div> elements whose class attributes are equal to myCls. |
element[attribute |= value] | $("div[class|= 'myCls']") | Selects all the <div> elements whose class attributes are either equal to myCls or starting with myCls string followed by a hyphen (-). |
element[attribute *= "value"] | $("div[class *= 'myCls']") | Selects <div> elements whose class attributes contains myCls. |
element[attribute ~= "value"] | $("div[class ~= 'myCls']") | Selects div elements whose class attributes contains myCls, delimited by spaces. |
element[attribute $= "value"] | $("div[class $= 'myCls']") | Selects <div> elements whose class attribute value ends with myCls. The comparison is case sensitive. |
element[attribute != "value"] | $("div[class != 'myCls']") | Selects <div> elements which do not have class attribute or value does not equal to myCls. |
element[attribute ^= "value"] | $("div[class ^= 'myCls']") | Selects <div> elements whose class attribute value starts with myCls. |
:contains("value") | $("div:contains('tutorialsteacher')" | Selects all <div> elements that contains the text 'tutorialsteacher' |
:input | $(":input") | Selects all input elements. |
:button | $(":button") | Selects all input elements where type="button". |
:radio | $(":radio") | Selects all input types where type="radio" |
:text | $(":text") | Selects all input elements where type="text" . |
":checkbox" | $(":checkbox") | Selects all checkbox elements. |
:submit | $(":submit") | Selects all input elements where type="submit". |
:password | $(":password") | Selects all input elements where type="password". |
:reset | $(":reset") | Selects all input elements where type="reset". |
:image | $(':image') | Selects all input elements where type="image". |
:file | $(':file') | Selects all input elements where type="file". |
:enabled | $(':enabled') | Selects all enabled input elements. |
:disabled | $(':disabled') | Selects all disabled input elements. |
:selected | $(':selected') | Selects all selected input elements. |
:checked | $(':checked') | Selects all checked input elements. |
:hidden | $(':hidden') | Selects all hidden elements. |
:visible | $(':visible') | Selects all visible elements. |
:odd | $('tr:odd') | Selects all odd rows. (1,3,5,7..) |
:even | $('tr:even') | Selects all even rows.(0,2,4,6..) |