append | Inserts DOM elements at the end of selected element(s). |
appendTo | Perform same task as append() method. The only difference is syntax. Here, first specify DOM elements as a string which you want to insert and then call appendTo() method with selector expression to select the elements where you want to append the specified DOM elements. |
before | Inserts content (new or existing DOM elements) before specified element(s) by a selector. |
after | Inserts content (new or existing DOM elements) after selected element(s) by a selector. |
detach | Removes the specified element(s). |
empty | Removes all child element(s) of selected element(s). |
html | Get or Set html content to the selected element(s). |
insertAfter | Insert DOM element(s) after selected element(s). Perform same task as after() method, the only difference is syntax. |
insertBefore | Insert DOM element(s) before selected element(s). Perform same task as before() method, the only difference is syntax. |
prepend | Insert content at the beginning of the selected element(s). |
prependTo | Insert content at the beginning of the selected element(s). Perform same task as prepend() method, the only difference is syntax. |
prop | Get or Set the value of specified property of selected element(s). |
remove | Removes selected element(s) from the DOM. |
removeAttr | Removes specified attribute from selected element(s). |
removeProp | Removes specified property from selected element(s). |
replaceAll | Replace all target element(s) with specified element. |
replaceWith | Replace all target element(s) with specified element and return the set of elements which was removed. |
text | Get or set text content of the selected element(s). |
wrap | Wrap an HTML structure around each selected element(s). |
unwrap | Remove the parents of selected element(s). |
val | Get or set the value of selected element(s) |
wrapAll | Combine all the selected element(s) and wrap them with specified HTML. |
wrapInner | Wrap an inner html of selected element(s) with specified HTML. |