Date Methods Reference
The following table lists all the get methods of Date object.
Method | Description |
getDate() | Returns numeric day (1 - 31) of the specified date. |
getDay() | Returns the day of the week (0 - 6) for the specified date. |
getFullYear() | Returns four digit year of the specified date. |
getHours() | Returns the hour (0 - 23) in the specified date. |
getMilliseconds() | Returns the milliseconds (0 - 999) in the specified date. |
getMinutes() | Returns the minutes (0 - 59) in the specified date. |
getMonth() | Returns the month (0 - 11) in the specified date. |
getSeconds() | Returns the seconds (0 - 59) in the specified date. |
getTime() | Returns the milliseconds as number since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. |
getTimezoneOffset() | Returns the time zone offset in minutes for the current locale. |
getUTCDate() | Returns the day (1 - 31) of the month of the specified date as per UTC time zone. |
getUTCDay() | Returns the day (0 - 6) of the week of the specified date as per UTC timezone. |
getUTCFullYear() | Returns the four digits year of the specified date as per UTC time zone. |
getUTCHours() | Returns the hours (0 - 23) of the specified date as per UTC time zone. |
getUTCMilliseconds() | Returns the milliseconds (0 - 999) of the specified date as per UTC time zone. |
getUTCMinutes() | Returns the minutes (0 - 59) of the specified date as per UTC time zone. |
getUTCMonth() | Returns the month (0 - 11) of the specified date as per UTC time zone. |
getUTCSeconds() | Returns the seconds (0 - 59) of the specified date as per UTC time zone. |
getYear() | Returns the no of years of the specified date since 1990. This method is Deprecated |
The following table lists all the set methods of Date object.
Method | Description |
setDate() | Sets the day as number in the date object. |
setFullYear() | Sets the four digit full year as number in the date object. Optionally set month and date. |
setHours() | Sets the hours as number in the date object. Optionally set minutes, seconds and milliseconds. |
setMilliseconds() | Sets the milliseconds as number in the date object. |
setMinutes() | Sets the minutes as number in the date object. Optionally set seconds & milliseconds. |
setMonth() | Sets the month as number in the date object. Optionally set date. |
setSeconds() | Sets the seconds as number in the date object. Optionally set milliseconds. |
setTime() | Sets the time as number in the Date object since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. |
setUTCDate() | Sets the day in the date object as per UTC time zone. |
setUTCFullYear() | Sets the full year in the date object as per UTC time zone |
setUTCHours() | Sets the hour in the date object as per UTC time zone |
setUTCMilliseconds() | Sets the milliseconds in the date object as per UTC time zone |
setUTCMinutes() | Sets the minutes in the date object as per UTC time zone |
setUTCMonth() | Sets the month in the date object as per UTC time zone |
setUTCSeconds() | Sets the seconds in the date object as per UTC time zone |
setYear() | Sets the year in the date object. This method is Deprecated |
toDateString() | Returns the date segment from the specified date, excludes time. |
toGMTString() | Returns a date string in GMT time zone. |
toLocaleDateString() | Returns the date segment of the specified date using the current locale. |
toLocaleFormat() | Returns a date string in default format. |
toLocaleString() | Returns a date string using a current locale format. |
toLocaleTimeString() | Returns the time segment of the specified Date as a string. |
toString() | Returns a string for the specified Date object. |
toTimeString() | Returns the time segment as a string from the specified date object. |
toUTCString() | Returns a string as per UTC time zone. |
valueOf() | Returns the primitive value of a Date object. |