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Working with Packages in Go

In Go, a package is a directory with one or more go code files with .go extension. The package group related features together which makes it easier to maintain, reuse and share functionality.

In go, every package is defined with a different name that closely resembles the functionality it performs. For example, the most used package "fmt" short for format contains string formatting and printing functions which are used in other go files.

Every go file belongs to a package. The first line in every file will be the package declaration as package <packageName>.

A package or a member belonging to a package can be exported to another package. Other packages can import and reuse the functionality of the exported package.

Advantages of packages

  • Organizes related code and functionality together. This makes it easier to maintain and reuse code.
  • Speed up the compilation process by compiling only the parts that have changed. For example, the "fmt" package is not compiled every time the program changes.
  • It reduces the naming conflict. You can have functions with the same names in different packages.

Types of Packages

There are two types of packages in go language

  • Executable package: As the name suggests, it is an executable and will contain the main() function.
  • Utility package: is a package that is not executable but provides utility functionality and other assets to the executable package.

The starting point of a go program is the main package. It is a special package that is used in programs that are compiled to be executable. The main() function is the entry point of an executable program.

The following is a simple example of the main package and the main() function

Example: Executable Package
package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println ("Hello World")

Importing a Package in Go

Packages can be imported in two ways:

Using multiple import statements:

Example: Import Multiple Packages
import "fmt"
import "math"
import "math/rand"

Factored import statements:

Example: Import Multiple Packages

In go, the package name is the last element of the import path. In the above example, the package rand is declared as math/rand because it is imported as math/rand and is nested inside the math package as a subdirectory.

Exported names in a Package

Any variable, type, or function that starts with a capital letter is exported and is visible outside the package. Anything that does not start with a capital letter is not exported and is available only within the package.

When you import a package, you can only access the exported names.

Note: Go language consists of many code standard library packages which are often used in all programs. But you can build your custom package in go.

Learn more on detailed list of the core, standard go packages.