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Event Binding in Angular 2 (v11)

Events are handled in Angular using the following special syntax.

(target event name) = "template statement"

Bind the target event name within parentheses on the left of an equal sign, and event handler method or statement on the right.

Example: Binding Button Click Event
<button (click)="onShow()">Show</button>

Above, (click) binds the button click event and onShow() statement calls the onShow() method of a component.

Example: Handle Button Click Event in Component
  selector: 'event-demo,
  template: '<button (click)="onShow()">Show</button>'
export class EventBindingDemoComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  onShow() {
    alert('Show button clicked!');


Alternatively, use the on- prefix, known as the canonical form:

Example: on-event
<button on-click="onShow()" >Show</button>

By default, an event propagates up to the parent container event. In the following example, click event propagates to click of div and will call both the onShow() and onDivClick() methods.

Example: Event Bubbling
<div (click)="onDivClick()">
    <button (click)="onShow()">Show</button>


Mostly, when an event is raised, you may need to pass some value to the event handler function. This value can be number, string, or an object that contains information about an event.

You can pass the number or string value to the event handler function, as shown below.

Example: Passing Event Data
<button (click)="onShow(20)">Show</button>

Angular includes $event that contains the information about an event. The type of $event depends on the target event, e.g., if the target event is a native DOM element event, then it is an object.

Example: $event
<button (click)="onShow($event)">Show</button>

A component should define the onShow(event) method where the type of the parameter can be KeyboardEvent, MouseEvent, etc. If you don't know the exact event type, they use “any” type, as shown below.

Example: event Parameter
onShow(event:any) {

If event is a native DOM element event then $event.target get DOM element reference using which you can access element's property e.g. $event.target.innerHTML returns the value of innerHTML property of a DOM element.

Example: Event Handling
<button (click)="onShow($event)">Show</button>

//component method
onShow(event:any) {
       <pre><code className="language-html"><button (click)="onShow($event)">Show</button>

//component method
onShow(event:any) {
        alert(event.target.innerHTML); // returns Show

You can use $event.target in the template statement. The following example binds a component property to $event.target.value of the input box on the input event without using ngModel.

Example: Bind Event without ngModel
<input type="text" (input)="userName=$event.target.value" />

Learn more about event binding.