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What is ECMAScript?

ECMAScript is the scripting language standardized by Ecma International in the ECMA-262 specification. In short, ECMAScript is a language specification.

Many languages follow and implement the ECMAScript specification, e.g., JavaScript, ActionScript, Nashorn.

ECMAScript and languages

Ecma international releases standard specifications from time to time. The current edition is the Ecma-262 Edition 5.1. Currently, most browsers offer full support for JavaScript ECMAScript 5.1 edition.

What is the next edition of ECMAScript?

The next ECMAScript specification is Ecma-262 6th Edition, which is called ES6.

The following table lists all the publications of Ecma-262 editions.

Ecma EditionPublished date
1June 1997
2June 1998
3Dec 1999
5December 2009
5.1June 2011
6June 2015 (scheduled)