Angular Grid examples to consider for your next project
Angular Grids are great for developing neat, data-driven applications. With a variety of features and options, each grid type offers a unique way to handle data and display it the way that most resonates with end-users and the app in particular. But which grid to use and when?
We've gathered 4 Angular Grid examples to show you the best scenarios and the ways they manage data, how it visualizes and changes.
What will we focus on?
- Angular Data Grid
- Angular Pivot Grid
- Angular Hierarchical Grid
- Angular Tree Grid
- Why using Ignite UI Angular Grids
Angular Data Grid
Angular Data Grid is a feature-rich control designed to handle big sets of data and display them in a tabular format quickly and easily. There are tons of great features like data binding, editing, Excel-like filtering, custom sorting, grouping, grid summaries, row reordering, freezing rows and columns, aggregating rows, and exporting to Excel, CSV, and PDF formats.

It is best used for data manipulation, for handling enterprise level feature requirements and managing huge data volumes, in the form of unlimited rows and columns of data.
Based on familiar Excel-like functionalities, Angular Data Grid is super handy when users deal with voluminous data and want to sort columns, enable configurable options to save time and more quickly jump to a specific page of the data set.
The Ignite UI Angular Data Grid features an intuitive API, so you can quickly bind to data with minimal code, easily use all features and custom implementations, and achieve even easier theming and branding. It also gives access to custom templates and real-time data updates. One of the grid's biggest strengths is that it is optimized for speed and functionality, delivering flexibility and blazing fast performance. Using the grid, you also benefit from a powerful bootstrap grid like the flex-based layout system which works seamlessly in any browser.
Important features of the Ignite UI Grid and Tables include:
- Quick data binding with minimal code
- Responsive layout using CSS
- Remote data operation
- Keyboard navigation
- Area accessibility
- Data selection
- Excel style filtering
- Editing
- Sorting
- Paging
- Templating
- Column moving
- Row actions
- Exporting to Excel, CSV, and PDF formats
- Virtualization and performance
- Custom summaries
- Hierarchical Filtering
Angular Pivot Grid
Angular Pivot Grid displays data in a pivot table that helps perform complex analysis on the supplied data set. It can be easily managed with features like sorting, grouping, filtering with a simple Microsoft Excel-like experience. It is best used in projects that require visualization of multi-dimensional data and hierarchical data structures.

One of the greatest things about the pivot grid is that it drills down on data within a chart, showing a more detailed level of the data sets. The reason end-users prefer pivot views for large amounts of data is that the grid brings it down to a more consumable view, offering only the dimensions and the data relevant to what the user wants to see at a particular point of time.
Unlike typical data grids and tables where you can create a static view, pivot grids and tables allow you to present the data from a given data table in the structure it is stored and to also change the way data is being shown.
Ignite UI Angular Pivot Grid can be used as a stand-alone component as well as in combination with the Angular Pivot Data Selector Component for more flexible runtime configuration options. It is best for summing up and representing voluminous multidimensional data in a cross-tabular format.
It includes some unique features that you don't get when using just the Ignite UI Angular Data Grid:
- Dimensions filtering
- Dimensions sorting
- Dimensions resizing
- Dimensions selection
- Super Compact Mode
- Additional summary column
- Dimensions drag & drop
- State Persistence
- Filtering Expressions
- Aggregation method label
Angular Hierarchical Grid
Angular Hierarchical Grid supports child data with a different data schema from the parent and is extremely useful when more detailed information must be displayed and viewed on demand. Or when developers have to visualize relations between data records. That's why it enables users to expand or collapse rows of a parent grid, revealing and/or hiding the corresponding child grid.
This way, hidden/additional information can be revealed more easily using a single expand/collapse button.

Ignite UI Angular Hierarchical Grid is a component that displays hierarchical data on demand with ease, letting you bind your data with very little code and use a variety of events to customize different behaviors. Also, the Hierarchical Grid is used as a quick way to visualize relations between parent and child data records by expanding and collapsing rows, revealing more detailed information when needed.
One benefit worth mentioning here is the Row islands concept. What does that give you? They are configured through a separate tag within the definition of igx-hierarchical-grid, called igx-row-island. The igx-row-island component defines the configuration for each child grid for the particular level. Multiple row islands per level are also supported
Other than that, the Ignite UI Hierarchical Grid component in Angular provides a rich set of features like:
- Data Selection
- Load-on-demand
- Excel Style Filtering
- Sorting
- State Persistence
- Paging
- Templating
- Collapsible Column Groups
- Default handling of number, string, date, boolean, currency and percent column data types
- Column Hiding
- Column Moving
- Column Pinning
- Column Resizing
- Conditional Styling
- Display Density
- Hierarchical Filtering
- Custom Summaries
Angular Tree Grid
Angular Tree Grid again supports hierarchical data structure representations and it's a very useful way to visualize data when there's a parent-child relationship. Basically, it is a component that displays data in a tree-view structure. Unlike the Hierarchical Grid, the child data in the Angular Tree Grid should have the same structure as the parent collection.

Ignite UI Angular Tree Grid allows users to represent hierarchical data in a tree-view structure, maintaining parent-child relationships, as well as to define static tree-view structure without a corresponding data model. Its primary purpose is to allow end-users to visualize and navigate within hierarchical data structures. The Ignite UI for Angular Tree Component also provides load on demand capabilities, item activation, bi-state and cascading selection of items through built-in checkboxes, built-in keyboard navigation and full support for Flat and Hierarchical data structures.
The biggest distinguishing factor between Ignite UI Angular Hierarchical Grid and the Tree Grid is that the IgxTreeGrid displays each row using the same columns, while the IgxHierarchicalGrid supports the ability render data with varying schemas among different hierarchical levels.
Other features include:
- Excel Style Filter
- Custom Summaries
- Improved Right-to-Left support across controls
- Hierarchical Filtering
Why Using Ignite UI Angular and Angular Grids?

Ignite UI Angular provides a complete library of Angular-native, Material-based UI components, including the world's fastest virtualized Angular data grid. What's so great about it is that Ignite UI Angular Grids are ideal for high-volume and real-time data. Being feature-rich, they provide all the capabilities that you need to visualize and manipulate any data the way you want.
Here are some key features you can explore:
- Virtualized Rows and Columns to load millions of records in an instant
- Inline Editing with Cell, Row, and Batch update options
- Keyboard navigation and a11y.
- Excel-style Filtering and full Excel Keyboard Navigation capability
- Interactive Outlook-style Grouping
- Column Summaries based on any data in a grid cell or column
- Export to Excel with Data Visualization
- Display Density to adjust the height and sizing of the rows
- Column templates like Sparkline Column and Image Column